Funding programmes for sustainable building

Für Gebäude und Wohnanlagen
(A) Heat pumps and ecological heating systems
(B) Solar power systems
(C) Barrierefreies Bauen

greenUP consulting

(A) Heat pumps and ecological heating systems
According to the Building Energy Act (GEG; as of January 2024), new heating systems must be operated with a share of at least 65% renewables from 1 January 2024. The state subsidises all heat pumps with a flat-rate 30% grant. If the income is <40,000 euros, there is an additional 30%. And anyone who realises the measure by 2028 will receive an additional "speed bonus" of up to 20%. In total, a maximum grant of 70% is possible. Older people receive favourable loans.

Below is an overview table of the funding options for heat pumps and heating systems from January 2024:

Heating systems that run on fossil fuels can only be advised against. Because the CO2-Prize will rise. It is currently 30 euros and is expected to rise to 55 euros per tonne of CO2 rise. From 2026, it will be between 55 and 65 euros per tonne.

(B) Solar power systems
Secure the VAT exemption on solar power systems and power generators including installation. This saves you 19% of the system costs. The VAT exemption will still apply in 2024. In addition, there are often other municipal subsidy programmes that you can take advantage of. For the time being. This is because more and more federal states are introducing solar obligations. If you can install the PV modules yourself (this is usually quite easy to do on a flat roof), this will save you further installation costs. We will be happy to help you with this. You can find examples of such systems at greenUP Solar references.

(C) Barrierefreies Bauen
Das Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen (BMWSB) stellt der Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) für Maßnahmen zur Barrierereduzierung in Bestandsimmobilien über das KfW-Zuschussprogramm “Altersgerecht Umbauen” auch für das Jahr 2023 wieder 75 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung. Die Zuschüsse können bei der KfW beantragt werden.

Für nachhaltige Gebäude oder Quartiere können Third-party funds or grants in Anspruch genommen werden. Man unterscheidet verschiedene Förderansätze. Zum einen gibt es Breitenförderprogramme, zum anderen werden Innovationen gefördert.

For the latter, an innovative approach is a prerequisite. Best practice approaches are particularly important for this. This is one reason why, since 2000, the greenUP team has been developing the web database which documents more than 350 sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods in Germany and neighbouring European countries. About the Wooden housing study Newly added is the web database with around 120 quarters and settlements in timber construction from 100 residential units. We have been able to study well over 200 sustainable settlements and urban quarters in Europe on site. We publish online, in print media and give lectures on sustainable housing and neighbourhoods. We are particularly interested in proven and innovative sustainability concepts and technologies, but also in new developments and economic aspects such as financing, construction and operating costs.

Angebot und Referenzen greenUP
We will be happy to send you an offer and/or our reference list on request.

greenUP consulting
Holger Wolpensinger
, Dipl.-Ing.
Tel. +49 (0)228- 5344 9198

Further information about Mr Wolpensinger

Overview of funding programmes for sustainable construction (password required)
