Life cycle assessment studies in the construction sector

For more than 20 years, the life cycle assessment method has been an important part of Holger Wolpensinger's work. You can find results of this in his Publications.

This website refers to LCA studies and assessment studies by colleagues from 1997 onwards.

Schulze, ED; Rock, J.; Kroiher, F.; Egenolf, V.; Wellbrock, N.; Irslinger, R.; Bolte, A.; Spellmann, H. (2021): Climate protection with forests: ecosystem carbon storage and fossil fuel substitution. Biology in Our Time 51(1): 46-54. Available online:

Kuittinen, Matti; Zernicke, Caya; Slabik, Simon; Hafner, Annette (2021): How can carbon be stored in the built environment? A review of potential options. Online publication

Anders, Stephan (2016): City as a system - method for the holistic analysis of planning concepts. Dissertation Uni Stuttgart

Fina, Stefan (2013): Indikatoren der Raumentwicklung - Flächeninanspruchnahme und Landschaftszersiedelung / Indicators of Spatial Development - Urban land use change and urban sprawl. Dissertation, University of Tübingen

Eßig, Natalie et al. (2012) OPEN HOUSE Benchmarking and mainstreaming building sustainability in the UE based on transparency and openness from model to implementation. European research project "Open House" for common indicators for the assessment of sustainable building in Europe.

Fuchs, Mathias (2012): Nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Architekturwettbewerbe. Criteria and indicators for the integration of sustainability requirements in competition procedures as well as recommendations and tools for practical implementation. Dissertation TU Darmstadt. Pdf-Download TU Darmstadt

Hafner, Annette (2012): Wechselwirkung Nachhaltigkeit und (Bau-)Qualität - Systemische Betrachtung des Zusammenspiels von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten und Kriterien der (Bau-)Qualität im Sensitivitätsmodell und in der Analyse von beispielhaften Gebäuden. Dissertation TU Munich. Pdf-Download (4,1 MB)

Markl-Hummel, Lioba (2012): Multicriteria decision support for municipal climate protection measures. Dissertation University of Göttingen. Publisher's website

Prytula, Michael (2012): Ein integrales Energie- und Stoffstrommodell als Grundlage zur Bewertung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung urbaner Systeme. Dissertation, TU Berlin. Short info with link to full text download:

Ertl-Balga, Ulla: (2010): Quality objectives of sustainable settlement planning - using the example of solarCity Linz Pichling. Dissertation University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Passer, Alexander (2010): On the assessment of the environmental quality of buildings, dissertation TU Graz

Rullán Lemke, Christina (2010): ArchitekturForm & SolarEnergie: Eine globale Formenstudie zur Untersuchung des Einflusses der Gebäudegeometrie auf Potentiale solarer Energieversorgung über die Gebäudehülle. Dissertation TU Hamburg-Harburg.

Buttler, Maike (2008): Evaluation systems of sustainable settlement planning - balancing model for comparing the effects of settlement structure on sustainable development. Diploma thesis University of Stuttgart. Download complete (pdf 2,98 MB)

Rid, Wolfgang (2008): Analyse von Präferenzstrukturen privater Bauleute im Hinblick auf nachhaltige Siedlungskonzepte unter Verwendung eines discrete choice experiment. Dissertation TU Munich.

Manfred Hegger; Matthias Fuchs; Thomas Stark, Martin Zeumer (2007): Energie Atlas. Sustainable Building. Edition Detail/Birkhäuser

Renner, Alexander (2007): Energie- und Ökoeffizienz von Wohngebäuden. Development of a procedure for life-cycle oriented assessment of environmental impacts with special consideration of the use phase. Dissertation TU Darmstadt.

PRESCO (2005): Inter-comparison and benchmarking of LCA-based environmental assessment and design tools. Final report.

Damman, Sven (2004): Environmental indicators for buildings. A search for a common language. Diss. Horsholm

Ekkerlein, Christian (2004): Ökologische Bilanzierung von Gebäuden in frühen Planungsphasen auf Basis der Produktmodellierung. Dissertation TU Munich

Femenías, Paula (2004): Demonstration Projects for Sustainable Building: Towards a Strategy for Sustainable Development in the Building Sector based on Swedish and Dutch Experience. Dissertation Department of Built Environment and Sustainable Development. Chalmers University of Technology. Gothenburg

Neuberg, Frank (2004): Ein Softwarekonzept zur Internet-basierten Simulation des Ressourcenbedarfs von Bauwerken. Dissertation. TU Munich

Streck, Stefanie (2004): Entwicklung eines Bewertungssystems für die ökonomische und ökologische Erneuerung von Wohnungsbeständen Dissertation an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal

Weil, Marcel (2004): Ressourcenschonung und Umweltentlastung bei der Betonherstellung durch Nutzung von Bau- und Abbruchabfällen. WAR-Publication - 160. dissertation TU-Darmstadt

Hannes Weeber, Simone Bosch (2004): Sustainably good residential quality. Exemplary single-family homes in dense development. 220 S. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag. Stuttgart

IWU, IÖR et al. (2004): Criteria and indicators for sustainable environmentally compatible building and housing. On behalf of UBA

Lang, Annette (2003): Is sustainability measurable? A comparison of indicators and criteria for the assessment of sustainable development, taking into account the framework conditions in Germany and France. Dissertation University of Hanover Summary (pdf)

Anna Forsberga; Fredrik von Malmborg (2003): Tools for environmental assessment of the built environment.

Getto, Petra (2002): Development of a rating system for economic and ecological residential and office building construction. Dissertation University of Wuppertal

Schütze and Willkomm (2002): Catalogue of practice-oriented environmental criteria for cost-optimised building construction. Research focus "Planning instruments for environmentally compatible construction". Hamburg University of Applied Sciences pdf 46 p. (1.9 MB)

Wallbaum, Holger (2002): Denk- und Kommunikationsansätze zur Bewertung des nachhaltigen Bauens und Wohnens. Dissertation Uni Wuppertal
Reading sample (pdf 155 kB) / Long version (1.3 MB)

Kanning, Helga (2001): Umweltbilanzen. Dissertation TU Dortmund

Wolpensinger (2001): Life cycle assessment tools and life cycle assessment in housing and housing development. Karlsruhe

Energy Agency NRW (2001): EDV-Marktspiegel - Rational use of energy and use of renewable energy sources. Wuppertal

Federal Office of Housing (2000): CD-Rom Sustainability and Housing. A collection of literature with explanations of terms, checklists and working tools. Grenchen.

A CD-ROM on the subject of "Sustainability and Housing" has been published by the Federal Office of Housing. The collection of literature has been compiled by six federal offices, the SIA and the ETH Lausanne and is aimed at experts and interested laypersons. The CD-ROM summarises today's authoritative information on the sustainability aspects of building and housing, with a focus on the relevant federal publications.

Jönbrink et al. (2000): LCA Software Survey. Stockholm

Fromm, E., Kratochvil, R., Lindenthal T., Milestad, M. and P.H. Brunner (2000): Making sustainability recognisable and plannable. Contribution to the 2nd SUSTAIN Report "Implementing Sustainable Development in Austria".

Haas-Arndt, Doris (1999): Ästhetische Qualitäten des ökologischen Bauens und Wohnens ein Beitrag zu neuen Denkansätzen in der Architekturkonzeption. TU Dortmund Uni Hannover

Klingele, Martina (1999): Integration of life cycle assessment methods into the planning process. TU Dortmund TH Karlsruhe

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Culture and Urban Development together with the City of Cologne (1998): Planning with the sun. Düsseldorf

Jumper (1998): Overview of life cycle assessment of buildings. ETH Zurich

Kohler (1997): Status of life cycle assessment of buildings and building stock. Karlsruhe

Stelzer, Volker (1997): Assessments in environmental protection and environmental law. Dissertation Uni Bonn
