
Offer flyer greenUP Solar

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HWB study (2024): Settlements and urban neighbourhoods in timber construction. Motives and costs of realised large-scale projects. BBSR online publication, 157 p., Bonn

WILA Bonn e.V. (2017): Sustainable industrial estates: Recommendations for municipalities. Bonn. Editorial assistance by Holger Wolpensinger


Wolpensinger, Holger et al. (2016): HCE Annual Report 2015 - Building with wood in cities and municipalities - basis for sustainable development and regional value creation. Nettersheim

Wolpensinger, Holger et al. (2015): HCE Annual Report 2014 - Sustainable economic growth and climate protection through modern wood use. Nettersheim

Grausam, Michael; Rid, Wolfgang; Müller, Ulrich; Sperling, Carsten; Wolpensinger, Holger (2014): Handlungsleitfaden Elektromobilität in Kommunen. Building blocks for the development of municipal strategies for planners and decision-makers. Published by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) 2014, Berlin.
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Jäschke, Kathrin; Gärtl, Andreas; Wolpensinger, Holger (2014): Integriertes kommunales Klimaschutzkonzept Marktgemeinde Höchberg. Marktheidenfeld. To the website with the pdf download

Grausam, Michael; Rid, Wolfgang; Zimmermann, Simona; Schmidt, Mareike (2014): Urban made. Sustainable settlement and housing construction in Morocco and Germany. Publisher: Förderverein nachhaltige Siedlungsplanung (NSE e.V.). Bonn, June 2014
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City of Karlsruhe (2012): Feasibility study "Climate Neutral Karlsruhe 2050" Collaboration on behalf of ITAS KIT Karlsruhe. Download:

Wolpensinger, Holger (2003): Life cycle assessment of settlements. pp.11-13 in: Ökologie im Wohnungs- und Siedlungsbau. Housing Association Information 1/2003. Munich. Overall editing by Holger Wolpensinger
