Housing estate design Nancystraße Karlsruhe (1999)

The project was planned for an undeveloped plot of land by Holger Wolpensinger as a study at the University of Karlsruhe in collaboration with the association Autofreie Solarsiedlung Karlsruhe e.V., but was not realised. It was created as a concept study from the best housing estate projects from 1999, which were based on www.oekosiedlungen.de are listed. It therefore gives a good impression of the state of sustainable construction at the time.

Planning data: 140 residential units, photovoltaic and biomass block-type thermal power station, commercial and office space, communal facilities, catering, car-sharing tower, reed bed sewage treatment plant, cross-laminated timber construction, hemp, flax or cellulose insulation, social housing concept, integrated living.

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