- A total of 762 million euros will be available for KFN in 2024 in the form of subsidised loans. Loan amounts of up to 100,000 euros (climate-friendly residential building) or up to 150,000 euros (climate-friendly residential building with QNG) are possible.
- Funding is available for new builds and first-time purchases of newly constructed climate-friendly and energy-efficient residential and non-residential buildings that fall below specific limits for greenhouse gas emissions over their life cycle and meet the energy standard of an Efficiency House 40 / Efficiency Building 40 for new builds.
- There is greater support for buildings that also achieve the Quality Seal for Sustainable Buildings (QNG).
- Funding is provided in the form of subsidised loans for the construction of climate-friendly residential and non-residential buildings. Investors, cooperatives, companies and private individuals can submit applications via their development banks.
- In addition, municipalities and districts receive investment grants, e.g. for the construction of flats, day-care centres or schools.
- Applications can be submitted to the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).