Expert exchange "Energy-efficient and sustainable settlement development in Morocco" funded by the BMBF and GIZ in cooperation with the Network for Sustainable Urban Development (NSE e.V.)
Project in cooperation with NSE e.V., ENA (Ecole Nationale d'Architecture) and the support of GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit). The project was funded by the BMBF.
Project management: Wolfgang Rid and Michael Grausam
greenUP participation: Technical participation and coordination of the NSE network by Holger Wolpensinger.
The core projects of the research project are the analysis of planning processes in the construction of the "Villes nouvelles" and the development of packages of measures for sustainable urban development. Morocco expects further urban growth in the coming years due to high population growth, more demand for housing per person and a flight from the countryside to the city. The Moroccan government is planning to build up to 11 new cities ("villes nouvelles"). Four villes nouvelles are already in the realisation phase: Tamesna, Chrafate, Tamansourt and Sahel-Lakhiayta.
Al Omrane, the Moroccan state construction company, is in charge of planning and building these new settlements. Together with Al Omrane, ENA and NSE e.V., four workshops were held to find ways to plan and build these new towns in a demand-oriented and sustainable way.
As a result of the cooperation project, the brochure "Sustainable settlement and housing construction in Morocco and Germany" has been published (see below for downloads).
Grausam, Michael; Rid, Wolfgang; Zimmermann, Simona; Schmidt, Mareike (2014): Urban made. Sustainable settlement and housing construction in Morocco and Germany. Publisher: Förderverein nachhaltige Siedlungsplanung (NSE e.V.). Bonn, June 2014.
The publication can be ordered on german and on French can be downloaded free of charge.