Analyse der ökologischen Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Siedlungstypen in Neubauquartieren über ihren Lebenszyklus Projektzeitraum: 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2024 Finanzierung: Zukunft Bau BBSR / BMWSB Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael […]
Settlements & neighbourhoods
An economic efficiency analysis of sustainable neighbourhoods and settlements from the year 2000 onwards
Duration: July 2023 until Feb 2025
In cooperation with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Rid, Managing Director of the Institute for Climate Neutral Urban and Regional Development (ikre), Erfurt, Professor of Urban and Regional Economics at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
Results of the research study "Settlements and urban quarters in timber construction. Germany compared to neighbouring European countries: standards, construction costs and implementation recommendations". Duration: January 2021 to December 2022. Financed with funds from the Zukunft Bau funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.
Project management of the commissioned study: Success factors of successful examples of secure realisation of ecologically demanding settlements and their possible municipal fiscal effects. Client: indeland GmbH, Düren. Financed with funds from the model programme [...]
Collaboration on the feasibility study "Climate Neutral Karlsruhe 2050" on behalf of the Karlsruhe Energy and Climate Protection Agency (KEK). Data research and construction of the scenarios, as well as development of ideas for model projects at the municipal level for a CO2-free city. Project management: ITAS / KIT Karlsruhe
Diploma thesis by Holger Wolpensinger at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Karlsruhe (TH) in 2002
First examiner: Prof. Dr. Niklaus Kohler ifib - Institute for Industrial Construction Production
Brief description
A housing development design with 140 flats (see for 420 inhabitants is examined for the relevant environmental impacts and their reduction potentials using the indicators GWP 100 (Global Warming Potential in 100 years) and primary energy in the standard/best-case and worst-case variants.