News from Bonn, Cologne & the region

10 posts

Klimaviertel nehmen Arbeit auf

Die Stadt Bonn hat am Freitag, 13. Dezember 2024, Kooperationsvereinbarungen mit den Trägern der Klimaviertel Godesberg-Nord, Beuel-Mitte und Medinghoven unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarungen bilden den Rahmen für den Aufbau der Mitmachzentren und vielfältiger Angebote zur Stärkung nachbarschaftlichen Engagements. Gleichzeitig wurden die ersten Förderbescheide übergeben.

Wohnquartier „Im Rosenfeld“ Buschdorf: Rat beschließt nächste Schritte

Im Ortsteil Buschdorf im Norden Bonns soll ein innovatives, nachhaltiges, klimaneutrales und autoarmes Wohnquartier inklusive einer Grundschule und einer Kindertagesstätte entstehen. Der Rat der Stadt Bonn hat am 26. September 2024 die Stadtverwaltung mit dem weiteren Verfahren zur Aufstellung des notwendigen Bebauungsplans und einer frühzeitigen Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung beauftragt.

Cinema film "Power of Utopia" on Thursday, 19.9.2024 in the Brotfabrik, Bonn

Exactly 70 years ago, the architect Le Corbusier created his life's work with the planned city of Chandigarh. This megacity project is still the subject of controversial debate today, and the documentary accompanies four Indian cultural workers from Chandigarh to reflect on this modern utopia. Le Corbusier's concept created a radically new living space that differed from Western capitalist construction and offered residents the opportunity to develop in a unique way.

Bonn Energy Days 2024, Sat. 31 August, Münsterplatz

Information and advice day on Münsterplatz on Saturday, 31 August 2024 from 11.00-17.00 hrs

The exhibitors offer a comprehensive range of advice and information on Münsterplatz. At the stands, interested parties can obtain advice on energy-efficient construction and renovation, the use of renewable energies and sustainable building materials for new builds and renovations.

Starting with questions about subsidy programmes, insulation and heating technology, photovoltaics through to qualified planning and consulting offices as well as tradesmen and flood protection for buildings.

Bonn Climate Plan 2035

Monika Hallstein and Celia Schütze with the graphics for the climate plan. Photo: BEA / Barbara Frommann

At its meeting on Tuesday, 12 December 2023, the city council decided to involve the Bonn Energy Agency (BEA) in the implementation of the Bonn Climate Plan 2035. From 2024, the BEA will take over the implementation of four projects focussing on buildings. The Bonn Climate Plan was adopted by the council in March 2023. The aim is for the city of Bonn to become climate-neutral by 2035.

Solar Bonn funding programme

In order to strengthen climate protection, energy independence and social justice, the promotion of plug-in solar devices as well as solar installations in Bonn will be significantly increased from 1 January 2023. A "Power up the roofs" subsidy for buildings up to three residential units and a subsidy for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems, for example on car parks, will be newly introduced.