Project management: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hendrik LaueDepartment of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences.
Project partners:
Sustainable Open Spaces Working Group of the Research Association for Landscape Development Landscaping e.V. (FLL), Bonn
German National Garden Show Society (DBG), Bonn
Office for Urban Green Areas and Waters, City of Leipzig
LA.BAR Landscape Architects, Berlin
RMP Stephan Lenzen Landscape Architects, Mannheim location
greenUP project processing: Kira Bautz, Holger Wolpensinger
Funding: German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU), Osnabrück
Term: 2021 until 2023
Urban open spaces are characteristic elements of our cities and assume important ecological, economic and social functions that must be strengthened in the future. Diverse developments such as climate change, demographic change, finite resources and other phenomena present today's society with ecological, economic and social challenges. In this context, sustainability assessment systems can make an important contribution by providing valuable decision-making aids, among other things.
Worldwide, there are already many different assessment systems for defining the sustainability of buildings or open spaces. These evaluation systems work with six qualities, the three pillars of sustainability ecology, economy and socio-cultural, supplemented by the three cross-sectional qualities technology, process and location. The evaluation system for sustainable open spaces under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hendrik Laue (Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences) takes up precisely these qualities. It contains measurable indicators for the sustainability of open spaces. GreenUP supports the methodological conception, advises on improving the user-friendliness of the assessment tool and on its implementation.
The assessment system for sustainable open spaces (BNF) was developed on the basis of the Guideline for Sustainable Open Spaces. (2018), publisher: Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e.V. (FLL), Bonn:
FLL link for download
and the BNB rating system for outdoor facilities:
BBSR link to the NBB AA
The result is a holistic evaluation system for open spaces. The typological characteristics of each open space were taken into account in individual profiles. The methodology basically integrates classical scientific work steps (analysis, evaluation, designation of quantifiable and qualifiable qualities) on the one hand and application-related work steps on the other. In a first step, partners from the private sector tested the developed evaluation system in a practical manner and validated it in a second step. The qualities are expressed quantifiably in a complex measurement key and are generally assigned directly to individual quality levels. The research work utilises classic quantifiable methods for its evaluation methodology, integrates measurable indicators and defines qualitative framework conditions. Quantifiable methods and clear indicators were always used if corresponding standards and data bases for measurability were available. Otherwise, qualitative methods were named and defined. The methodology is multi-layered in accordance with the working methods of the landscape architecture profession. The defined quantities and qualities are measured against a here and now of data and standards and make no permanent claim to correct evaluation standards. In this respect, the evaluation system developed is dependent on regular reconsideration and revision.
The BNF research project developed an evaluation system for the sustainability of open spaces. Based on German assessment systems used in building construction, a distinction was made between core qualities (ecology, economy, social aspects) and cross-sectional qualities (technology, process and location). The evaluation method integrates qualitative and quantitative evaluation processes. Both methods are heavily dependent on in-depth data and clearly defined standards. Qualitative standards in particular are generally dependent on a permanent process of reconsideration. The evaluation system aimed to make all urban open spaces assessable. This was achieved in relation to the five pilot projects selected, as the most important differentiations were contained in the fact sheets for the corresponding typologies of the pilot projects. However, further applications probably need to be evaluated or more precise typological restrictions defined for the evaluation. Due to its nationally adapted system of six qualities, the evaluation system developed does not have a defined ecological basis (aim of preserving as many ecosystem functions as possible) in line with current sustainability models. A different approach and a different systemic linkage should be pursued here in future.
Link to the project description
Link to the pdf download