SWOT analysis

Sustainable settlements and urban quarters

Energy efficiency and renewable energies play an important role in the planning and realisation of urban districts, housing estates and large properties. However, only a small proportion of projects still meet more far-reaching sustainability requirements.

Sustainability concepts at the building, settlement and neighbourhood level can save significant costs in the long term. And this is despite the fact that environmental and social costs have not yet been priced in. It is expected that in the future, in the course of the European Green Deal, which Ursula von der Leyen and the EU Commission are promoting, external costs due to environmental damage and social aspects will be more strongly priced into market values. For construction and housing companies, it therefore means a clear market advantage to position themselves on the topic, to gain experience and know-how in order to remain competitive. After all, there are environmentally friendly and socially acceptable solutions that can be realised in a cost-neutral or even cost-reducing manner. Forward-looking construction and housing companies or municipal administrations will then have a clear advantage because they are prepared for future legislative developments and new laws to take environmental costs into account will not cause them any additional financial burdens.

To support the creation of sustainable urban districts and settlements, we operate the web database www.sdg21.eu In this directory you will find a selection of more than 300 projects that have been realised in Europe under sustainable objectives since 1980. It also includes historically significant sustainable urban districts and settlements, as well as new projects in the making. In addition to the settlements and neighbourhoods, pioneering buildings are presented.

Take advantage of our interdisciplinary team and its more than 20 years of experience in policy advice and research on sustainable settlements, neighbourhoods and large properties.

SWOT analysis

In a SWOT analysis on the sustainability of settlements, neighbourhoods and large buildings (from 1000 m²), the improvement potentials of planning or existing projects are identified and solution approaches are formulated. If desired, good examples can be named to show what the new approach could look like and the costs / savings potential of certain measures can be worked out. Furthermore, sticking points or success factors can be identified that are essential for the success of the project.


In order to increase the sustainability of housing estates, neighbourhoods or buildings, we can draw on at least 50 years of experience in housing and housing estate construction. In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes of past projects, the Building Advisory Service has been collecting, documenting and systematising best and good practice in the web database for 20 years now. www.sdg21.eu the realised settlements, neighbourhoods and model buildings for sustainable construction. The transfer of the findings of the realised projects, but also of scientific studies and investigations, to other building projects is essentially what the building consultancy offers.

A reduction of the costs that new developments will have on the users, the cities or municipalities over many decades, play an important role in this. At the same time, resource efficiency can be increased and an environmentally positive use of materials can be achieved through concepts of sustainability of settlements and urban quarters, which can significantly reduce dependence on external infrastructures and create more options for action.

Improvements in the cost and environmental balance can be achieved not only at the beginning of planning, but also at any point in time. Strengthening the social sustainability of settlements and neighbourhoods is usually also the focus of a building intervention.

Especially at the beginning of the planning of new settlements and urban quarters, i.e. in service phase "0" of the HOAI, the Impact on sustainable development is particularly large and usually also leads to significant cost reductions, as well as to higher qualities of buildings and open spaces.


The services offered by BauFachberatung in brief:

SWOT analyses

  • on the sustainability of settlements, neighbourhoods and large-volume properties (from 1000 m²)

Studies / Expert opinions

  • Conceptual and/or feasibility studies
  • Sustainability assessment (life cycle assessment, ResScore, life cycle costs; DGNB, BNB) of neighbourhoods and settlements
  • Processing of the urban planning or construction part of climate protection and climate adaptation concepts


  • Independent advice to decision-makers (local, state or federal policy-makers) on implementing sustainable concepts in planning and processes
  • in the initiation and/or development of neighbourhood, settlement and housing projects
  • Funding and third-party funding on the topic of sustainable settlements and urban districts. Participation in the application process and, if necessary, support with project management.
  • Appraisals for building groups or joint building ventures on construction-related issues