Impulse event "Architecture and Eifel building culture

AXT-Architekten-WeidingenIn four lectures, planning offices that are well-known beyond the Eifel region presented their contributions to building culture in the Eifel region, which have won competitions and awards. The winners of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Prize for Architecture and Housing 2013, the Eifel Building Culture Prize 2013, the North Rhine-Westphalia Timber Construction Prize 2014, the German Timber Construction Prize 2007 and the Rhineland-Palatinate Timber Construction Prize 2006 gave presentations.

Tuesday, 07.10.2014 at the Wood Competence Centre Rhineland in Nettersheim
from 13:45 - 17:30

Links to the architectural offices
architecture_space Bonn
AXT Architects Trier
THANKS architects Mechernich
denzer & poensgen Marmages

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